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  • Processing method of sheet metal case shell
    Processing method of sheet metal case shell
    The processing methods of sheet metal chassis are: non-mold processing and mold processing. Although their processing procedures are similar, there are still some differences, which can be divided int……
  • What are the characteristics of precision parts processing?
    What are the characteristics of precision parts processing?
    Fine parts processing has many advantages. The most obvious is that it can achieve high precision that ordinary processing can’t reach. High precision also depends on fine processing equipment and pre……
  • Four principles of machining jinhongyu precision mechanical parts
    Four principles of machining jinhongyu precision mechanical parts
    What are the general principles of fine mechanical parts processing? What is the order of processing? I believe this is a topic that all fine processing companies are very concerned about. In simple t……
  • What are the elements of cutting conditions for CNC parts processing?
    What are the elements of cutting conditions for CNC parts processing?
    对于高效数控车床加工金属材料的切削,加工的原材料、专.用刀具和切削条件是三大因素。这个决定决定了加工时间、刀具寿命和加工质量。为了开发一种经济合理的加工方法,必须合理选择切削条件。          ……
  • 五轴CNC加工产能提升的影响因素
  • What are the advantages of five axis cnc machining technology in the processing of unmanned aerial vehicle parts?
    What are the advantages of five axis cnc machining technology in the processing of unmanned aerial vehicle parts?
  • Technical characteristics of machining process of jinhongyu precision mechanical parts
    Technical characteristics of machining process of jinhongyu precision mechanical parts
    Fine processing technology is a high-precision surface finishing process. Fine processing technology is the key technology in the modern machinery manufacturing process system. On the basis of the ori……
  • 精密五金零件加工的六点工艺性能
    精密五金零件加工中,五金加工占绝大部分。给大家分享下五金的工艺性能有哪些,希望能帮到大家。        精密五金零件加工铸造性能:指金属或合金能否合适铸造的一些工艺性能,主要包括流性能、充溢铸模才能……
  • What is the difference between metal shell processing and sheet metal chassis processing?
    What is the difference between metal shell processing and sheet metal chassis processing?
  • Processing method of non-standard spare parts
    Processing method of non-standard spare parts
    非标零配件加工的技术方法          精密加工是现代工业的必然产物。随着人们制造高.端产品,对产品性能的要求越来越高,因此对产品零部件的要求也逐渐提高甚至非常严格,关系到人们的安.全和质量。在这……
  • Which parts are often used in CNC machining
    Which parts are often used in CNC machining
    CNC加工在数控设备中占有很高的地位,很多零件加工企业都会将其应用到数控加工中心中。数控加工可以加工哪些类型的零件?众所周知,数控加工中心适用于加工复杂、多工序、高要求、各种类型的普通机床和众多的刀具夹具,零件经过重复装夹和调整才能进行加工。主要加工对象为箱体零件、复杂曲面、异形零件、板材零件及特殊加工。        (1)箱体零件。        盒状零件一般是指具有一个以上孔系,内部有空腔,……
  • Various surface treatment functions of CNC precision parts after machining
    Various surface treatment functions of CNC precision parts after machining
    为了预防腐蚀或简单地改善外观,工程师通常在加工或制造后对金属零件的部分或全部外表面指定额外的精加工工艺。    此外,这些处理中的一些还提高机械或电气特性,这有助于组件的整体功能。    不管是什么原……
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